My Saturday afternoon off!

What do you do when you finish work three hours earlier than the usual Saturday?

That was me today.  Finishing work just after 4pm left me time to do so much.  Well I finished when the rest of the shops in town were still open anyway.

I went straight to Aldi to get myself re-stocked for the week.  Isn’t having a full fridge the best feeling?  Although I swear every time I go there it costs me more and more – either prices are going up or I’m sneaking all sorts into my basket without even realising!

To be fair, there may have been the odd pizza and tub of ice-cream thrown in this week; I was with Glen and we had to get dinner.  Having just finished work, a dinner that could be chucked in the oven and ready in 10 minutes seemed like a good idea.  And it’s the weekend, right?

We came back to mines to have our feast (that was gone before I even had time to take a picture) of pizza, wedges, garlic bread, sticky toffee pudding and ice-cream.  So this is being written from a state of absolute food coma, if you couldn’t tell.

Tonight, I’m having some drinks in then heading out with a friend I’ve not seen in a few months, so all in all, I think I’ve used my Saturday productively!

How do you spend a Saturday afternoon off?

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